Srimathi Lingammal Ramaraju Rotary Vidyalaya Mat.Hr.Sec.School Wanted Headmistress/Teachers
Post Date: 23rd March 2016
School Name: Srimathi Lingammal Ramaraju Rotary Vidyalaya Mat.Hr.Sec.School
Apply Mode: Post
Last Date: Within 10 days(from 20th March 2016)
School Name: Srimathi Lingammal Ramaraju Rotary Vidyalaya Mat.Hr.Sec.School
Post Name: Headmistress/Teachers
- English-SGT
- Maths-SGT
- Science-SGT
- Social Science-BT
- PET-Female
- Headmistress should have minimum 10 years of experience as teacher in reputed matriculation school
- Candidate should have teaching experience
- Candidate should have good communication skill
- Commitment towards work
- Have a good Publication record
Apply Mode: Post
Last Date: Within 10 days(from 20th March 2016)
How to apply: Interested candidates may apply with the detailed resume with necessary document to the following Postal address Within 10 days
Postal Address:
The Correspondent,
Srimathi Lingammal Ramaraju Rotary Vidyalaya Mat.Hr.Sec.School,
Lingammal Ramaraju Salai,
Rajapalayam-626 117.
Ref: The Hindu dated on 20th March 2016Postal Address:
The Correspondent,
Srimathi Lingammal Ramaraju Rotary Vidyalaya Mat.Hr.Sec.School,
Lingammal Ramaraju Salai,
Rajapalayam-626 117.
Contact: 04563 233500
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