Army Public School Wanted TGT
Post Date: 3rd May 2016
About School : Army from time immemorial has been very active with its welfare activities. One of the major welfare activities, being educational needs of its personnel. For this purpose Army Welfare Education Society was founded in 1983. Today, about 130 Army Schools have been established and running successfully across the country. 2009, for Chennai started on an auspicious note when Area HQ ATNK & K opened its regimental school "Golden Palm Army School" (GPAS) for classes I to VII to impart quality education to the wards of Army personnel as well as civilians depending upon the vacancy of seats available. The school lays in a sprawling campus of around 8 acres. It has 45 classrooms apart from activity rooms, Laboratories, Libraries, Audio Visual room and Indoor games rooms. The Laboratories are fully equipped and the Library has a good stock of books.
Job Title: TGT
- Social Science
- Candidate should have Good Communication Skill
- Commitment towards work
- Have a good Publication record
Apply Mode: Postal
Last Date: 10th May 2016
How to apply: Interested candidates may send their resume to the following address on or before 10th May 2016
Address: Website:
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